Soil Sucrase (S-SC) Activity Assay Kit
规格: 240T/100S
可检测样本数:100 Samples
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Product Information
Soil Sucrase (S-SC) Activity Assay Kit
4℃ Wet Ice Transportation
  • 检测样本量:100 Samples
  • 主要检测设备及配套:酶标仪/96孔板
  • 预计测定时间:25 h (100 Samples)
  • 试剂储存条件:按照标签要求储存
  • 需自备试剂:
Detection Principle
土壤蔗糖酶催化蔗糖降解产生还原糖,进一步与3,5-二硝基水杨酸反应,生成棕红色氨基化合物,产物在540 nm处具有特征吸收峰,通过吸光值变化即可表征土壤蔗糖酶的活性。
  • 检测方法: DNS比色法
  • 检测波长: 540 nm
  • 信号响应: 递增型
Refreence Information
  • 标准物质: Glucose
  • 参考标准: y=2.4473x-0.1017 (R2=0.9998)
  • 标准线性范围: 0.05-0.7 mg/mL
  • 检测限: -
  • 注:不同仪器及比色材质会对结果产生影响,以实际测定值为准。
注: 为保证结果准确且避免试剂损失,测定前请仔细阅读说明书(以实际收到说明书为准),确认试剂储存和准备是否充分,操作步骤是否清楚,且务必取2-3个预期差异交的样本进行预测定,过程中问题请您及时与工作人员联系。
Product Citation

[1] Li Y, Xu G, Yu Y. Freeze-thaw aged polyethylene and polypropylene microplastics alter enzyme activity and microbial community composition in soil[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024: 134249. (IF 13.6)

[2] Du Y, Zhang Q, Yu M, et al. Effect of sodium alginate–gelatin–polyvinyl pyrrolidone microspheres on cucumber plants, soil, and microbial communities under lead stress[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 247: 125688.(IF 8.2)

[3] Xiao J, Lan S, Zhang Z, et al. Physical disturbance reduces cyanobacterial relative abundance and substrate metabolism potential of biological soil crusts on a gold mine tailing of central China[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13: 811039.(IF 6.064)

[4] Yu S U N, Li J I, CHANG J, et al. Compositional and functional succession of soil bacterial communities during long-term rice cultivation on saline-alkali soils: Insights derived from a new perspective of the core bacterial taxa[J]. Pedosphere, 2024. (IF 5.2)

[5] Xiao J, Lan S, Farías M E, et al. The living forms of Microcoleus vaginatus and their contributions to the aggregate structure of biocrusts[J]. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2023, 99(5): fiad040.(IF 4.2)

[6] Zhu J, Zhang Y, Shao C, et al. Influence of Intercropping Arisaema amurense with Acanthopanax senticosus on Soil Microbial Community and the Effective Ingredients of A. senticosus[J]. Horticulturae, 2024, 10(6): 592. (IF 3.1)

[7] Yu Y, Huang J, Tong Z, et al. Response of microbial community diversity and the abundance of nitrogen-cycling genes to Bacillus subtilis application in mulberry field soil[J]. Soil Research, 2024, 62(2). (IF 1.6)

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The Dilution Calculator Equation
Concentration (start)xVolume (start)= Concentration (final)× Volume (final)
This equation is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2
  • x
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