Soil Urease (S-UE) Activity Assay Kit
规格: 240T/100S
可检测样本数:100 Samples
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Product Information
Soil Urease (S-UE) Activity Assay Kit
4℃ Wet Ice Transportation
  • 检测样本量:100 Samples
  • 主要检测设备及配套:酶标仪/96孔板
  • 预计测定时间:25 h (100 Samples)
  • 试剂储存条件:按照标签要求储存
  • 需自备试剂:
Detection Principle
脲酶水解尿素生成的NH3-N,在强碱性介质中能够与次氯酸钠和苯酚反应,生成水溶性蓝色染料靛酚蓝,产物在630 nm处具有特征吸收峰,通过吸光值的变化即可表征土壤脲酶的活性。
  • 检测方法: Berthelot
  • 检测波长: 630 nm
  • 信号响应: 递增型
Refreence Information
  • 标准物质: Nitrogen
  • 参考标准: y=0.0666x+0.0101(R2=0.9993)
  • 标准线性范围: 0.5-6.0 μmol/mL
  • 检测限: -
  • 注:不同仪器及比色材质会对结果产生影响,以实际测定值为准。


②显色完成后应在1 h内完成测定,测定管颜色应为蓝色(与标准管颜色一致),若显色为黄色或绿色,则表明NH3-N浓度过高,减少样本量或扩大上清液稀释倍数后再进行测定,计算时相应修改;


注: 为保证结果准确且避免试剂损失,测定前请仔细阅读说明书(以实际收到说明书为准),确认试剂储存和准备是否充分,操作步骤是否清楚,且务必取2-3个预期差异交的样本进行预测定,过程中问题请您及时与工作人员联系。
Product Citation

[1] Wen X, Zhou J, Zheng S, et al. Geochemical properties, heavy metals and soil microbial community during revegetation process in a production Pb-Zn tailings[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 463: 132809.(IF 13.6)

[2] Li Q, Zhang X, Zheng J, et al. Phase transformation of Cr (VI) host-mineral driven by citric acid-aided mechanochemical approach for advanced remediation of chromium ore processing residue-contaminated soil[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 461: 132530.(IF 13.6)

[3] Li Y, Xu G, Yu Y. Freeze-thaw aged polyethylene and polypropylene microplastics alter enzyme activity and microbial community composition in soil[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024: 134249. (IF 13.6)

[4] Du Y, Zhang Q, Yu M, et al. Effect of sodium alginate–gelatin–polyvinyl pyrrolidone microspheres on cucumber plants, soil, and microbial communities under lead stress[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 247: 125688.(IF 8.2)

[5] Wang K, Zhao M, Zhang M, et al. Topography-and depth-dependent rhizosphere microbial community characteristics drive ecosystem multifunctionality in Juglans mandshurica forest[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024: 175070. (IF 8.2)

[6] Jiang M, Ye F, Liu F, et al. Rhizosphere melatonin application reprograms nitrogen-cycling related microorganisms to modulate low temperature response in barley[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 998861.(IF 6.627)

[7] Huang B, Chen Y, Pei Z, et al. Application of microbial organic fertilizers promotes the utilization of nutrients and restoration of microbial community structure and function in rhizosphere soils after dazomet fumigation[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 13: 1122611.(IF 5.2)

[8] Yu S U N, Li J I, CHANG J, et al. Compositional and functional succession of soil bacterial communities during long-term rice cultivation on saline-alkali soils: Insights derived from a new perspective of the core bacterial taxa[J]. Pedosphere, 2024. (IF 5.2)

[9] Zhang X, Song Y, Yang X, et al. Regulation of soil enzyme activity and bacterial communities by food waste compost application during field tobacco cultivation cycle[J]. Applied Soil Ecology, 2023, 192: 105016.(IF 4.8)

[10] Zhou J, Miao Y, Guo L, et al. Evaluating the Enzyme Activities and Soil Physicochemical Properties of Four Typical Halophytic Communities in Saline-Sodic Soil[J]. Agronomy, 2024, 14(1): 141.(IF 3.7)

[11] Zhu J, Zhang Y, Shao C, et al. Influence of Intercropping Arisaema amurense with Acanthopanax senticosus on Soil Microbial Community and the Effective Ingredients of A. senticosus[J]. Horticulturae, 2024, 10(6): 592. (IF 3.1)

[12] Yu Y, Huang J, Tong Z, et al. Response of microbial community diversity and the abundance of nitrogen-cycling genes to Bacillus subtilis application in mulberry field soil[J]. Soil Research, 2024, 62(2). (IF 1.6)

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The Dilution Calculator Equation
Concentration (start)xVolume (start)= Concentration (final)× Volume (final)
This equation is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2
  • x
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